Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Wild Elephant

ULUBELU ( Lampost): Thousands of farmer in a number of pekon ( countryside) in District Of Ulu, Belu, Sub-Province Tanggamus, return grasped fear of tore- apparition a elephant sumatera ( Elephas maximus sumatranus) which mengubrak-abrik paddy crop ready harvesting and coconut property of public in this area.

Pemkab Tanggamus over a barrel face conflict between men and this trunks animals. Relocation effort which suggested a number of the side of collided at limitation of funds.

" Budget which we raise for this wild elephant relocation scored out, Mas. Don't know who did scoring out. Though, this have concerning safety of throng soul," said Junaidi Kepala Satuan Polisi Kehutanan Dinas Kehutanan and Plantation Of Tanggamus in in between visit of The Minister of Agriculture [job/activity] Anton Apriyantono in sentra plantation of mangosteen in Pekon, Terdana, Kotaagung Minggu ( 22-2).

According to citizen, have an month;moon is more the elephantly reside in this area. " While striving expulsion traditionally which done by is public fail to so that paddy being turning yellow and ready harvesting, destroyed by the wild elephant," said Rusli ( 40), farmer in Pekon Karang, Rejo, District Of Ulu, Belu, Tuesday ( 24-2).

According to citizen, the male wild elephant anticipated one of member of folk of wild elephant Davit Chang which hardly legendaris in this region. The animal anticipated by tercecer from the officer relocation folk BKSDA Tanjungkarang WHICH HAVE to Boat citadel, Float West, some times then.

This wild elephant downwards [so/till] come near setlement of resident during two months. " Not merely just banana and coconut which destroyed by is this wild elephant, but also banana crop, pulses," said Darwis, citizen Pekon Penantian.

Even, elephant that dare to come near setlement of resident compact and menyatroni house for looking for the hobby food. A number of farmers shacks in farms also destroyed and shell of rices furnishs in pot is cleans shacks eaten by this wilds elephant.

The elephant every day make a move out of one kampong to other kampong in region District Of Ulu Belu start Karang, Rejo, Waiting, Ulu, Semong, Natural Fence, etcetera. Usually, in the day time elephant that passing the time him(it with sleep in coppice or even in farm property of citizen.

Meanwhile, nearing dusk [so/till] at dawn, the animal menyatroni a number of residents farms. Since apparition of this corpulent body animal, citizen in Ulu Belu which majority drape living by to farm, automatically cannot till their garden.

They fear attacked by elephant, like the one have befalled a number of citizens in District Of Ulu Belu since year 2007 until 2008. Citizen having house in forest periphery or in garden periphery, more opting evacuate to tampat their family in countrified. UTI/N-1