Protista is group of organism having micro body measure. Kingdom protist consist of group of mortal having switchover characteristic between plants and animals, the example is amoeba.
Protista is group of organism which memikili micro body measure, so that to observe the body morphology structure have to apply microscope. Although protist cum organism uniseluler, they have good role in human lives.
Monarchic of protist consist of group of mortal having switchover characteristic between animals and plants. Kingdom protist sometimes lapped over to mortal uniseluler having core ( nucleus) and organella is clear.
Protista consisted:
1. Species uniseluler forming Protozoa
2. Alga uniseluler ( except blue algae alga)
3. Some fungi cells of one.
But, there is the subdividing protist fluctuate because is forming to change over between and algas Protozoa and also between Protozoa and fungi. This reason is main reason why differentiated difficult protist clearly.
Alga, is organism available for yielding oksugen through process fotosintesa and containing chlorophyll. Some there is the anggita multi seluler and there is uniseluler. Member which this uniseluler in form of yarn, colony, or siositik. While structured protist multiseluler, in form of yarn branch so-called mycelium. Protista is structured multiseluler is other is mushroom sinositik.
Protozoa have core of other cell organelle and cell, like nucleus, reticulum endiplasma, mitochondria, body golgi, DNA joining forces with protein, and centriole. Protozoa also have cilia and flagella as a means of make a move. Protozoa can make Proleg capable to doing bisection of mitosis and meiosis.
Protozoa uniseluler heterotrop, divided to become 4 group, that is:
1. Mastigophora, have one flagella and between his(its are Trypanosoma brusei.
2. Sarcodina, what looking like amoeba.
3. Ciliophora, have stuktur cilia cum between his(its Paramecium and stentor.
4. Phylum, Myxophyta, what is bereproduksi by propagating spore.
This problem of classification become complicated when Euglena having synthesis chioroplast but also digest food in darkness, and Astasia is same with Euglena but less having chioroplast. Biologist tell them are Protozoa and partly tell them are alga.