Selasa, 30 Maret 2010
Invertebrata Euglena
Latin name: Euglena
Phylum: Protozoa
Sub Phylum: Sarcomastigophora
Order: Euglenida
Family: --
Genus: Euglena
Species: Euglena
Class: Phytomastigophorea
Area Name: --
Food, whether collected or produced himself from the surrounding environment, is used for the collection of compounds needed for growth and repair. The collection of compounds protoplasmic organisms and physical activity requires energy. Most of Protozoa, the release of energy is aerobic, requiring the use of oxygen as the final acceptance of hydrogen. Some, however, released energy, does not depend on the environment, can occur. In Protozoa have no special organs for respiration. Mempelajasri respiration is a widespread problem in the exchange of respiratory, inhalation of oxygen and release carbon dioxide, and the picture of the biochemistry of the complex mechanisms of aerobic and anaerobic energy release.
Euglenophytes can be found in freshwater habitats and abundant in this area, such as farm ponds or drainage ditch, which consume animal dung.
To get food, Protozoa using a variety of ways. The most popular is to make your own, stealing, eating here and there, hunting and capture by traps. Protozoa small part to act as miners, and some are paid as a special technicians.
Reproduction in Euglena done with longitudinal splitting pairs. The core uses the core of the membrane. Chromatin, in the form of strand-strand pairs chromomeras vegetative level, the forms chromomeras couples each split lengthwise into two. Endosome to shrink in two, the average in the same section. Intranuclear bodies are also divided into two. Body began to fall at the anterior end. Flagellum still hold a half long, in which the new flagellum is reinforced by the flagellum which lain.Tiap time when the division took place this animal in the condition encyst. Euglenae sometimes found almost has the shape of the ball and is surrounded by a gelatinous cover thick enough where they have been issued. Like an animal can be said to be encyst. In this condition the dry season period had passed; animal becomes active when the water re-encountered. Usually taken in the laboratory breeding were found cysts on the sides. Before encystment escape flagellum, a new one is produced when the activity starts again. One cyst usually produces two euglena, although this can mempagi while still in the old cyst walls to create four-all. Specific research has merekord of 32 flagellated euglena who escape from a cyst. Cleavage occurs only during the hours of darkness in exceptional circumstances; however, the combination of constituents of protoplasm occurs only during the hours of lighting the limitations of DNA replication to the contents at that hour.