Latin name: Taenia solium
Phylum: Flatworm
Sub Phylum: --
Order: Cyclophyllidea
Family: --
Genus: --
Species: Taenia solium
Class: Cestoda
Area Name: ribbon worm
No description.
All the endoparasitic tapeworms and almost all adult worms live in the digestive tract of vertebrates and the larvae live on the network vertebratata and invertebrates.
Cestoda do not have the gut and absorb nutriment through the general surface of the body.
Tapeworms are hermaphrodit. Reproductive organs varies in different groups. Proglottid each consisting of one complete set of female and male organs. Apparently formed in a single egg fertilized by spermatozoa proglottid from proglottid the same, despite the merger between proglottid known at the same worm and the worm is different.
Tapeworm, Taenia solium, normally parasitic, the adults live in the human digestive tract
atin name: Opisthorchis sinensis (Clonorchis sinensis)
Phylum: Flatworm
Sub Phylum: --
Order: Digenea
Family: Opisthorchidae
Genus: --
Species: Opisthorchis sinensis (Clonorchis sinensis)
Class: Trematoda
Area Name: Wormwood flat / tapeworm
There were no respiratory system.
Despite the orient, but not in the Western Hemisphere.
Simple digestive system. The mouth opens into a short esophagus, which connects to another short tract, esophagus. The intestine consists of two branches, one extending from the anterior to the posterior end of each side of his body.
Trematoda reproductive organs and the complex life cycle usually involving several different hosts, which resulted in the addition of the power of reproduction. Reproduction of most of the descendants of animals required for the parasite because they occasion some individuals will reach a new host rather lightly. Most of trematoda hermaphrodit. Eggs from a worm may be fertilized by sperm from the same worm, with cross-fertilization can occur. Larvae that hatched from the egg is trematoda ectoparasitic form cilia and swim about until they attach themselves to a new host. Trematoda usually passes through the endoparasitic life cycles such as the worm terkomplikasi liver.
Opisthorchis sinensis (Clonorchis sinensis) is a worm in the human heart, and also occurs in cats and dogs, as the host of functions such as warehouse. This was chosen as an example for the type of structure trematoda less special because of the Fasciola hepatica, the liver flatworm cows. O. sinensis adults living in the vessels of bile in humans and cause infections that can cause death.
Latin name : Anoplodactylus lentus
Phylum : Arthropoda
Sub Phylum : Chelicerata
Order : --
Family : Phoxichilidiidae
Genus : --
Species : Anoplodactylus lentus
Class : Pycnogonida
Area Name : Unknown.
Not have respiratory organs.
Pycnogonid, or sea spiders (sea spiders), the shape of small, benthic, marine arthropod, with a size like real spiders, which they may be only distantly related.
Digestion is intracellular.
Dioecious reproduction, fertilization is external, and for sexual are inclined thin dimorphisma. Protonymphon larvae with three pairs of extra and hidden intestine.
Latin name: Scypha
Phylum: Porifera
Sub Phylum: --
Order: Heterocoela
Family: Sycettidae
Genus: --
Species: Scypha
Class: Calcarea
Area Name: --
No special respiratory Organs can be designated, but it is obvious that the stream of water moving through the body provides excellent conditions for respiratory exchange. A large surface is exposed, and a new supply of water is constantly provided. The percentage of oxygen removed from the water entering the Organism is known as oxygen withdrawal. Hazelhoff found that oxygen withdrawal varies considerably with the species. Considering the quantity of water they process, this seems Relatively unimportant. Where water flows rapidly over an extensive surface, low ratea withdrawal may provide adequate oxygen. Sponges are generally aerobic and sensitive to low oxygen availability. Closure of the osculum for a time results in an above-normal oxygen uptake during recovery. Evidently some kind of oxygen debt system operates in sponges. When metabolism is carried out under conditions of oxygen shortage, complex organic end products are formed. If these accumulate in the body, they and oxidized when oxygen becomes available, and oxygen use rises. Closure of the oscula prevents the washing out of these compounds by water flowing through the sponge, and it is not Surprising that they consume more oxygen afterwards.
Sponges can be found in almost all aquatic habitats. Most sponges, though, can be found in the marine environment. Most sponges are filled with toxic substances, probably to scare away Predators. Because of this, many other organisms sponges to attach themselves for protection. Some of the chemicals have been found to be beneficial in making medicine for humans. Some marine plants, algae, and bacteria have been found to have a symbiotic relationship with sponges in the marine environment (a symbiotic relationship is a relationship that benefits both organisms). In this relationship, the sponge provides support and protection and the other Organism provides food for the sponge.
Digestion occurs in food vacuoles and food is absorbed across the vacuolar membrane, as in protozoa. However, in most sponges the cells that ingest foods do not digest it. The small Demospongia choanocytes take food in but pass it on immediately to amoebocytes for Digestion. The ability to pass food from cell to cell is not unique in sponges, but is unusually important in their physiology.
Sponges can reproduce either sexually or asexual. Asexual reproduction is by means of buds. Sexual reproduction is carried out as follows. Male gametes are released by a sponge into the water. The gametes are then taken into another sponge by its pore system, just like food. Spermatozoa are captured by the collar cells, which then turn into amoeba-like cells and carry the spermatozoa to the eggs. The fertilized egg then develops into a larvae and is released into the water. This process differs among different sponges. Usually, the larva then settles into the ground and forms a new adult sponge. Sometimes, though, the larvae will stay floating in the water for a time.
Latin name: Euglena
Phylum: Protozoa
Sub Phylum: Sarcomastigophora
Order: Euglenida
Family: --
Genus: Euglena
Species: Euglena
Class: Phytomastigophorea
Area Name: --
Food, whether collected or produced himself from the surrounding environment, is used for the collection of compounds needed for growth and repair. The collection of compounds protoplasmic organisms and physical activity requires energy. Most of Protozoa, the release of energy is aerobic, requiring the use of oxygen as the final acceptance of hydrogen. Some, however, released energy, does not depend on the environment, can occur. In Protozoa have no special organs for respiration. Mempelajasri respiration is a widespread problem in the exchange of respiratory, inhalation of oxygen and release carbon dioxide, and the picture of the biochemistry of the complex mechanisms of aerobic and anaerobic energy release.
Euglenophytes can be found in freshwater habitats and abundant in this area, such as farm ponds or drainage ditch, which consume animal dung.
To get food, Protozoa using a variety of ways. The most popular is to make your own, stealing, eating here and there, hunting and capture by traps. Protozoa small part to act as miners, and some are paid as a special technicians.
Reproduction in Euglena done with longitudinal splitting pairs. The core uses the core of the membrane. Chromatin, in the form of strand-strand pairs chromomeras vegetative level, the forms chromomeras couples each split lengthwise into two. Endosome to shrink in two, the average in the same section. Intranuclear bodies are also divided into two. Body began to fall at the anterior end. Flagellum still hold a half long, in which the new flagellum is reinforced by the flagellum which lain.Tiap time when the division took place this animal in the condition encyst. Euglenae sometimes found almost has the shape of the ball and is surrounded by a gelatinous cover thick enough where they have been issued. Like an animal can be said to be encyst. In this condition the dry season period had passed; animal becomes active when the water re-encountered. Usually taken in the laboratory breeding were found cysts on the sides. Before encystment escape flagellum, a new one is produced when the activity starts again. One cyst usually produces two euglena, although this can mempagi while still in the old cyst walls to create four-all. Specific research has merekord of 32 flagellated euglena who escape from a cyst. Cleavage occurs only during the hours of darkness in exceptional circumstances; however, the combination of constituents of protoplasm occurs only during the hours of lighting the limitations of DNA replication to the contents at that hour.
Biogas is a process of bio gas production from organic materials with the help of bacteria. The process of degradation of organic materials without involving oxygen is called anaerobic Digestion gases produced largely (over 50%) of methane. organic material accumulated in the digester (reactor) going diuraiakan into two stages with the help of two types of bacteria. The first phase will orgranik material degraded to acid weak acid with the aid of acid-forming bacteria. These bacteria will describe the level of waste and asidifikasi hydrolysis. Hydrolysis of complex compounds decomposition or long chain compounds such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates into simple compounds. While the formation of acid asifdifikasi of simple compounds.
After the organic material into acid acid, then the second stage of Anaerobic Digestion is the process of formation of methane gas with the aid of methane-forming bacteria such as methanococus, methanosarcina, methano bacterium.
Development of Anaerobic Digestion process has been successful in many applications. This process has the ability to process the garbage / waste overflow exists and is not useful to more valuable products. Anaerobic Digestion application has been successful in processing industrial waste, agricultural waste and livestock waste municipal solid waste.